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Vehicle Condition Disclosure Statement

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Vehicle Condition Disclosure Statement
Price: $16.95
Item Number: 00158

Vehicle Condition Disclosure Statement (rev 08/2024) Item Number 00158

New Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General regulations take effect August 19, 2024 

PAA is recommending the use of a ‘Vehicle Condition Disclosure Statement’ for every vehicle (new and used) sold by the dealership, beginning August 19, 2024. 

Form number 00158 meets the requirement of disclosing vehicle condition to customers during the sales process. This an easy to use 2-part carbonless form. Pack of 100 2-part forms.  The vehicle condition disclosure statement should be as complete as possible and should be signed by the seller and buyer(s). A copy should be supplied to the buyer and another copy should be placed in the dealers file.

Size: 8-12 inch x 11 inch, 2-Part Carbonless Form