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Total Solutions Graffiti Wipes - 6 Containers Per Case

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Total Solutions Graffiti Wipes
Price: $85.00
Item Number: 1447

Total Solutions Graffiti Wipes - 6 Containers Per Case

Graffiti wipes (40 wipes per container) are the most effective pre-moistened wipes available for removing paint and graffiti in one easy step. The powerful soy-based formula is environmentally safe and biodegradable, and does not contain amyl acetate or methylene chloride, making them much safer to use than other products. The abrasive but non-scratching fabric aids in cleaning.

  • Ideal for use on most non-porous surfaces, including Bathroom Partitions, Aluminum Siding, Desks, Phone Booths, Road Signs, Wall Tile, Lamp Posts, Stainless Steel, Trains, Buses, Bus Stops and Seats, Billboards, and Lockers.
  • Highly effective against paint, enamel, ink, and permanent marker.


Protective gloves are recommended while using this product. Unfold a towel and lightly scrub in a circular motion to begin dissolving paint and graffiti on non-porous surfaces. Wipe up any remaining residue with a clean cloth. Continue to use a clean part of towel for best results. Discard towel after use.