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Odometer Repair Label - 10-pack

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Odometer Repair Label - pack of 10 labels
Price: $9.95
Item Number: 00390

Odometer Repair Label - pack of 10 labels.

Door frame label that reports date of odometer repair, mileage before repair, after repair and the technician's signature.  Required for certain odometer repairs or replacement where the odometer cannot be set to the actual mileage.  1-1/2" x 4", printed in Green Ink on White Adhesive label. - We recommend you write information on this label with a Black Permanent Marker and allow ink to dry before affixing label to door jamb.
For Pennsylvania Repair Facilities, please refer to the following:
PA Title 75 Vehicle Code
Chapter 7131(b)

  An instrument for measuring and recording the actual distance a motor vehicle travels while in operation.
Chapter 7133. Permissible activities relating to odometers.

(a) General rule. - Nothing in this subchapter prevents the service, repair or replacement of an odomter if the mileage indicated remains the same as before the service, repair or replacement.  Where the odometer is incapable of registering the same mileage as before the service, repair or replacement, the odometer shall be adjusted to read zero and a notice in writing shall be attached to the left door frame of the vehicle by the owner or his agent specifying the mileage prior to repair or replacement of the odometer and the date on which it was repaired or replaced.

(b) Prohibitions. -

(1) No person shall fail to adjust an odometer or affix a notice regarding the adjustment as required pursuant to subsection (a).

(2) No person shall, with intent to defraud, remove or alter any notice affixed to a motor vehicle pursuant to subsection (a).
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For product usage in states other than Pennsylvania, please refer to your state's specific regulations regarding odometer repair and replacement.