Automotive DomeCal Decals
Price: From $500.00 to $600.00
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Automotive DomeCal Decals
Flexible emblems with polyurethane dome covering for displaying your dealership name on the trunk. Durable enough to withstand 7 years of direct sunlight. Permanent acrylic adhesive is pre-applied to the back. Excellent visibility to other drivers and conforms to subtle curves on today's vehicles. Price includes a 1-Material Color and 1-color imprint. Specify DOM-9 Rectangle shape, or DOM-11 Oval Shape. Not Die or Setup Charges. Call for a quote on Multi-Color designs. 15 Day production, plus delivery time.
Email your Vector Artwork (all text and images converted to curves) to art@paa.org
If you don't have artwork in vector format, we can convert your jpeg, or website logo for $35.00.
Price: From $255.00 to $1,000.00
Durable Vinyl - Up to 18 "picks" included at no charge. Colors available are white, black, matte gold, matte silver, red, blue, yellow and green.
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