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Non-California Emission Vehicle Dealer Reassignment Form (MV-DR) - 5-pack

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Non-California Emission Vehicle Dealer Reassignment Form (MV-DR) - 5-pack
Price: $25.00
Item Number: 00249

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Din # Required*

Non-California Emission Vehicle Dealer Reassignment Form (MV-DR)

CALL 1-800-692-7295 TO ORDER.
  • This form can Only be used by Pennsylvania Dealers with a current and valid DIN# (Dealer Identification Number) issed by PennDOT. This form cannot be used by Out-Of-State Dealers.  Orders for this form can only be shipped to the address of the Pennsylvania Dealership associated with the DIN number.
This form allows Pennsylvania dealers to reassign an out-of-state titled, non-California emissions compliant vehicle, with only one reassignment on the title and less than 7,500 miles, that was acquired through a trade-in from a non-dealer. Price includes 5-Year Archiving as required by law.  Forms are archived and stored at PAA Headquarters, return postage is not included.

  • Per instructions, the pink copy of each form must be returned to PAA with a copy of the out-of-state title. No additional forms will be shipped until pink copies of forms are returned.
For specific advice on titling and registration questions, call
PAA's Title & Tag Messenger Service at 1-800-242-3745.