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Job Time Tickets - Form JT-VWOA 3286 - 134

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Job Time Tickets - Form JT-VWOA 3286 - 134
Price: $39.00
Item Number: 134-JT-VWOA-3286-AB (250)

Job Time Tickets - Form JT-VWOA 3286 - 134 

This Time Ticket is used mostly in import car dealerships. Has a hard copy on bottom, pink in the center, pressure sensitive gummed white on top, with carbon paper inserted.
  • 3-part, snap-out, carbon interleaved
  • 4-1/4"×11-1/8"
  • White permanent adhesive, Pink, White Tag
  • Prints in Black Ink
  • Packaged 250 per pack

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