About PAA
Serving New Car and Truck Dealers since 1919
"Nowhere in the world will you get a team of specialists like PAA!"
75+ employees dedicated to providing expert service to today's new car and truck dealerships.
Founded in 1919 as the Interstate Auto Dealers Association, incorporated in 1921 as the Pennsylvania Automotive Association. PAA is over 900 united New Car and Truck Dealers working together to grow Pennsylvania’s Automotive Industry. With excellent legislative and state agency relations, we provide dealers with Title and Tag Messenger Service, Group Health Care Programs, Educational Training and Certification, Business Consulting, and Product Sales.
Products are available on this website for most areas of your dealership including New and Used vehicle sales, Office Management and Service Department. By leveraging the purchasing power of Association Members, many manufacturers and vendors provide us with deep group discount pricing which we pass on to you.
Please compare our pricing with other vendors and see that paadps.com should be your first place to visit when looking to control expenses in your business.
Our Web Store is always open at www.paadps.com
We maintain a staff of customer service representatives who are available
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM EST. at 1-800-692-7295
You can fax orders to 717-255-8320.
You can email us at
Our Mailing Address is:
PAA Dealer Purchasing Service
PO Box 2955
Harrisburg, PA 17105
Our Shipping address is:
PAA Dealer Purchasing Service
1919 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102